Squidoo make a traffic

6 Squidoo Traffic Strategies You can Used to Make Money Online Are you wondering why people keep on recommending Squidoo.com? Well, it is because Squidoo.com is one of the powerful and fast growing Web 2.0 sites available free for web publishers and marketers to make money online. Squidoo allows you to create web pages called lenses which can be posted with whatever content and information you want to share with the world.

By being part of Squidoo, you will be able to use Squidoo lens as the marketing tools for your online business. You don’t have to worry about the rules and regulations of Squidoo as it is perfectly OK to promote your affiliate products, business website or anything else you like to promote on your lenses.

To make your Squidoo lense work for you, the lense has to be attention-grabbing so that it can attract traffic constantly. Those visitors come to you lense not just will read your content but also will click on your affiliate links or business website to find out what you are offering. As a result, you may end up turning these lense visitors into paying customers.

Below are a few strategies you can use to attract attention and traffic:

Create an Impressive Profile
Building a Squidoo profile that appeals others isn’t very difficult. Squidoo lets you upload Youtube videos, Flickr images and much more. These features are great help for making your profile attractive. And the bio photo of your profile, make sure you upload a quality one.

Include Your Target Keywords
Your lense have the ability to attract search engine traffic. So, the content in your lense should contain your main keywords to let the search engines better understand what your lense is about and send you the most targeted traffic. But, don’t overuse keywords in your lense as this could cause your lense blocked by Squidoo staff.

Tag Your Lense
During the process of building a new lense, Squidoo lets you add a title and suggest some keywords. Those are actually your tags. For the entire lense to be effective, you need to tag your lense appropriately which means you should add tags (keywords) that are directly relevant to your topic.

Add in Interesting Images
If you browse on Squidoo lenses, you will find that most of the lenses have the similar format and look. This is a good chance for you to make your lense look unique and interesting. You can do this by placing images and photos to your lense. The images you use must be interesting and have a relation to your content. This way you will make your lense different from others, giving you advantage of drawing more attention.

Network in SquidU
SquidU is much like a bulletin board created for members (Lensemasters) of Squidoo to learn everything about Squidoo. SquidU can be very helpful to you as you can connect with people who know more than you. They can help you optimize your lenses, create attractive profile, and guide you on the effective way to use Squidoo to market your business.

Struggle to Become Lense of the Day
Every day the chief of Squidoo editor will pick a lense that stands out from the crowd and feature as Lense of the Day. The Lense of the day probably will experience a great increase in traffic and exposure. So, you may think about getting your lense to become Lense of the Day. I know this doesn’t sound easy, but you should set a goal to make it to Lense of the Day and struggle to achieve it. One marketer shares a method which is to target topics that are of current interest, such as Olympics. Big news items or clever lenses can end up featuring on the Lens of the Day in the Squidoo blog and gain a lot of traffic overnight!

Tips for Using Banner Ads to Generate Traffic and Income Banner advertising is one of the methods that you might want to use for promoting your business website or blog. It will cost you a fair amount of money to use banner ads, but if you advertise your banner ads on the right sites and blogs, they can provide you a fairly good return.

To start a banner ad campaign, you first need to design a banner ad. It is OK if you don’t know how to design a banner as there are many of graphic designers on the Internet ready to help you. For a small fee, you can ask a graphic designer to create a nice looking banner ad for you.

Even though you are not the one that will create the banner, you do need to know clearly what types of banners are excellent for generate traffic so that you know how to request the designer to create a successful banner ad for you.

There are several things to keep in mind when putting up a successful banner ad.

The main purpose of your banner ad is to draw the attention of the visitors long enough to entice them to click on the ad to look for your offer or website so that you can generate income. Thus, you must be careful about how you put together the banner.

A big mistake that people often fall into is that they are putting too much info into the very small space of their banner ad. It is not necessary to include good description, company name and logo into the ad.

The most important thing you want to do is write a short or sweet slogan that acts as the ideal teaser. You are going to need to use only a few appealing words to grab the attention of people. Using the right words is more important than correct grammar. If you find that three words will create a powerful slogan or phrase that can catch a lot of attention, then go for it.

For logo and company inclusion into your banner, they are only helpful if your company or business already have good reputation and popular.

The color and fonts also play an important role. When you banner ad show up on the publishers sites and blogs that you are advertising with, you will want your banner stand out from the other banners appearing next to yours. You have very little time to impress the visitors. So, you may consider using bright colors with a contrasting color for the fonts. This will give you a good chance of making good impression.

Once your banner ad is ready, it is time to search for the sites and blogs that you can place your banner ad on. In these couple of years, banner ads are widely sold in blogs. So, you should start advertising your banner ad on blogs that are related to your products or business. Most of the blogs will have an advertising page stating the pricing and traffic stat.

Look for those blogs that gain a good of amount of unique visitors (at least 400 daily). Then send an email to each of these bloggers to ask about the potential average visitors their blog can send to you. Choose those that can send 0.5% or more of their daily traffic to you.


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