Can You Afford These 5 Web Site Design Mistakes?

After several experiments and debates on designing websites, why do the web designers still fail to come up with something good? What a waste of having so much experience if you are constantly making designs with blinking text and flashy animations, probably impressive for public coming straight from the 90’s, but surely not applicable today—it’s a new world, and a new era people, we already got too much glitz and glitter around, now can we get something meaningful as well?? Many websites make us want to nearly bang our heads somewhere. Landing on a page and getting nothing out of it is totally frustrating. Why can’t the designs be simple, pleasant and usable altogether? Is this too much to ask for? No it is certainly not, to get your website designing right on target, make sure your website is free from these 5 simple design errors: 1. Give Your Fish Water—Not The Bone: First impressions are very important—you have already hooked your customers, successfully brought them to your website, your countdown starts now! You have only a few seconds to make a good first impression and make your visitors come back to you. The best thing you can do in this regard is to give them all that they really want. Nothing more, nothing less! Relevancy should be exact. 2. Oops! Of Fonts, Colors, Content, and Navigation:

You would naturally think that the basic thing when creating a new website is to make it “easy” for the visitors to read. But it still stuns me how many websites are unreadable. Why on earth do people do this! The seven major sins you commit while designing are:

1) Using tiny and non re-sizeable text when the page is enlarged 2) Using difficult font style, practically hurting one’s eyes 3) Using dark colored background with blocks of colored text 4) Grammatical and spelling mistakes in the website copy—this is the biggest turn-off you can ever give to your visitors! 5) Cramming huge amounts of information in a single page without leaving desirable white space 6) Using wild and crazy color schemes—go slow with loud colors, keep them to the minimum 7) Complex navigation and inactive links—totally annoying believe me 8) And lastly, horizontal scrolling—the biggest joke you can play on your visitors while designing, so please avoid it!

3. What’s The Point Of Using Flash Menus?

Are you obsessed with flashing menus, images, and text? I would say: DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! There is no excuse for having such time-consuming elements at a place where time is gravely important to visitors. No one really waits for even a few seconds to let those childish images flash on the screen so they could continue exploring the site afterwards. Just don’t use them if you want to keep your visitors from running away from your site. 4. Design and Layout—For Humans, Not Search Engines: Remember one thing: your site is for people, not solely for search engines. It’s good to be SEO-friendly, but sacrificing visitors who could actually turn into your customers just for the sake of getting top rankings is absolutely insane. Get the design and layout right and you will be on the way to having a successful website, get it wrong and your site will flop. 5. Browser Compatibility: Last but not the least is the fact overlooked by many designers that not all browsers are the same with the same codes of interpretation. Therefore, whether you like it or not, make certain your website is cross-browser compatible or else there’s a great chance you may lose your customers interest over the long term


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