Fans demand ticket refund from Britney Spears

Angry fans are demanding a refund from Britney Spears or promoters AEG Live for the money they spent to buy the tickets for her concert in Vancouver, Canada which was abruptly halted.

The concert held April 8 had to be stopped in the middle to clear second-hand smoke from the venue. Spears, a smoker, took exception to the smoky atmosphere at the venue and refused to perform, stalling her show for close to 40 minutes and leaving fans stunned, reports.

As the houselights came up, many ticket buyers thought the concert had been cancelled - and left the venue. Some 20 minutes into the stoppage an announcer explained the concert would not continue if people kept smoking because it was "unsafe" for Spears and the performers.

Eventually Spears returned and finished the show, without addressing the stoppage.

And now some fans insist the concert was ruined for them and they've set up a website to ask for a refund. Others who attended the show and were equally put out by Spears' anti-smoke stance are being asked to add their names to

Spears is back in US on tour. She played the first of two Los Angeles shows on Thursday night.


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