Placement of your google adsense ad on the page

So you place a google adsense ad on your page and you will begin making money immediately, right? Not exactly. This is a common misconception amongst internet marketers that can cause frustration and ultimately lead to many quitting with no success. If you can believe this, there is actually work and strategic planning involved with you making money with google adsense. So what are these secrets to success with google adsense you may be wondering?

The placement of your google adsense ad on the page is crucial to how much money you will make. It is vital that you place the ad above the fold on your page in order to get the most clicks. What this means is you want to place the ad high enough on the page that visitors do not have to scroll down to see your ad.

By placing the google adsense ad above the fold you are increasing the odds of people clicking on the ad. The reason for this is because a majority of your readers do not read your entire site or the entire page. For the most part people glance over some of the key points on the top part of the page without worrying about scrolling down. If you place the ad higher, you have a better chance to get clicks out of these types of visitors.

The way you blend the ad with the rest of your page can determine if the ad is visually appealing or not. You want to try and make your google adsense ad look less like an ad and more like your work. You can do this by making the font and color of the ad’s text similar as the text on the rest of the page. It is also recommended that you blend or mesh the background of the ad with the background of your page.

What you place around your ad can have just as much affect as the google adsense has itself for success. You want to eliminate any kind of clutter that can distract and disorient readers when they come to your page. It may seem appealing to you to place banners and pictures and text all over the page, but this is simply cluttering the page. If the page is cluttered you are increasing the chances of your visitors completely skipping over the google adsense ad altogether.

The last secret to success with google adsense is similar to your website in general. You want to pick a niche that is similar to your website and stick with that niche for all of the ads you place on your website. By selecting a niche you have a better chance for keyword optimization and targeting your readers with relevant ads to what they are searching for on your website.

It is the little things that most never even consider that can make the difference between success and failure with google adsense. If you do all of these secrets listed above and generate traffic to your website, you should have no problem having success with google adsense.


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