10 Basics for Starting Your Online Business

8. Customer Service

Everyone knows that keeping a customer is ten times harder than getting
one initially. We can all recall numerous times when we’ve purchased something
and vowed never to return.

You don’t want to be labeled one of those businesses that doesn’t seem to
value its customers. Word on the Internet spreads rapidly. If you burn one
customer, he or she might post that experience on an online message board or
mention it in an email discussion list, and no one else will want to do business
with you, either.

What does customer service mean? Does it mean the customer is always
right? If you want it to! But more often than not, it means that you are willing to
listen to a customer’s complaints and work toward a mutual resolution.

Sometimes the only resolution that will work means a full money-back
guarantee. Yes, even if you know the consumer is only doing this to scam you
out of your money.

But other times, the customer is lodging a legitimate complaint, and this
can be very helpful to you when it comes to satisfying the needs of other
customers. Say a customer emails you with a request for a refund because many
of the links in your eBook were dead links (they no longer worked).

First of all, you need to thank this customer profusely because he’s just
done you a big favor. He’s saved you money. How? Because you can instantly
refund his money, fix the dead links, and avoid dozens of other returns.

Then you should happily refund the money for this sale and promise him
that you’ll be repairing the problem and ensuring it never happens again. As a
result, you might have salvaged his business for your release of the next edition of
your informational eBook.

No matter what the situation, always be courteous and friendly when
dealing with a customer – even those who are furious with you for no good reason
(that you can see). Remain calm and gently take care of the problem.

The biggest complaint online consumers have in working with customer
service departments is their slow reply. To combat this problem, make sure you
stay on top of customer contact so that you can resolve any issues before they
grow into larger ones.

By aligning yourself with a company with an unprecedented reputation for
integrity and fast, friendly service, you will garner the experience to serve your
clients with the respect they expect.


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