The Big Mistakes to Avoid When Making Money Online from eBay

After you have successfully setup your eBay business and started to make some money from the eBay auctions, it is a wise idea to keep on reading and learning about eBay selling as much as you can.

There are a few big mistakes that you might be making when doing business on eBay. That can cause you a lost. But, these mistakes aren’t difficult to correct if you know what they are. Below are some samples:

Setting Wrong Timing for Your Auction
The time that most people have a few hours of free time to spend is Sunday evening. Researches show that this is the most popular time for going online and purchasing on the Internet. So, if the timing of your auction has been set to miss Sunday evening, then you could be losing a lot of good sales.

Ignoring the Importance of Photos
If you think the item photo has not much help in your eBay selling, you could be losing many buyers. The eBay buyers often want to see how the item looks like before bidding it. So, it is necessary that you take 2 to 3 photos in different angles for every item, letting the potential buyers see totally your item.

Poor quality of the photos is another mistake. eBay does give advice about the types of photos that work best. For example, the photos need to be in plain background so that the products can be appeared clearly and eliminate confusion on what actually you are selling. Clear photos that show up your products well will certainly attract more and higher bids.

Over Formatting Your Sale Text and Descriptions
Putting too much animation, eye-catching color text and other distractions in your sale description isn't a good idea. This attempt was actually to get the customers' attention and bids. But, it results the opposite way. It provides great distraction and causes the sale message and details difficult to read. If a potential eBay buyer has clicked on your auction, you already have got their attention. The details and description should be clear, easy and simple to read with the aim to get the viewers' bid.

Setting a Reserve Price may be a Bad Idea
Placing a reserve price on your item can scared off your potential eBay buyers. Many of the potential buyers will not place a bid on the listings that have a reserve price because they worry that they are going to pay a lot money if they win the auction. So, it is better not to set a reserve price on your listed item. Low starting bid price is encouraged to get the maximum bids.

Mistakes cause you lose money. But once you have learned and found out what you are doing wrong, you can deal with them easily.


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