Celebrity Divorces Always Hold Everyone's Attention

Separation and divorce seem to be a part of everyday life. There is a really good chance that either you are divorced or you know someone who is. But there is just something about celebrity divorces that seems to fuel the gossip rags. People Magazine could not care less that your neighbor is a divorced single woman; however, look how much attention was devoted to Jennifer Anniston and Brad Pitt's divorce. It is just a source of fascination for the public.

Divorce court is filled with couples airing dirty laundry about each other. But very few cases ever receive the same attention that celebrity divorces receive. The year 2009 saw the divorce of Madonna and Guy Ritchie.

People were shocked because they had been together for several years and could not quite believe all of the rumors that were surfacing. Gossip rags had a field day with the "he said/she said" allegations that were flying between the two. Couples that seem happy and content in their celebrity marriages rarely make the news.

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson is one celebrity couple that has managed to stay away from an attorney and a divorce settlement. Things seem pretty good for them and you rarely see any rumors surfacing in the gossip rags. Britney Spears and Kevin Federline, however, were one of the Hollywood couples that experts said would divorce quickly.

They did manage to stay together for awhile but they ended up divorcing and it has been a constant tabloid sensation since. There have been much faster separations and divorces though. Take for example Nicholas Cage and Lisa Marie Presley.

They married in August of 2002 but just three months later a separation was filed. It almost seems as if the divorce papers were signed at start of the marriage.

Finding out that your neighbors or coworkers are having uncontested divorces is not very sensational. After all, how much could truly be at stake? But in the case of a celebrity divorce, people want to know all of the nitty, gritty details.

The papers always point to infidelity but there is often more to these separations than what you read. It is easy to view celebrities as iconic figures that are above the everyday mundane tasks that people go through.

Celebrity divorces will always hold our attention because they are so sensational. You want to know who the "other" person was who broke up the marriage. Some readers want to see that cute celebrity couple dragged through the muck because it is sensational.

It somehow makes the celebrity seem more normal. It makes him or her more like everyone else that suffers through tragedies. Is it right? Well, that is an individual decision.

A free gift awaits you at our portal site, where you can enrich your knowledge further about celebrity divorces. Your comment is much appreciated at our filing for divorce blog.


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