Getting More Traffic on your Website

You have a business on the internet. You feel you sell good products or provide excellent services and now you just need to get the word out to everyone. You have already told your friends and family and hope they tell others as well, but what you really want is for your web traffic to take off sky high. The only problem is you do not have a large amount of cash to invest into a huge advertising campaign.

Regardless of all of that you are luck. The free technique I am about to tell you about will drive just as much traffic to your website as a paid one, if you are willing to put the time and effort in.

But before I get to that I have to say this. If your website is poorly designed or lacks simple navigation, any website traffic you do get will leave faster than they arrived. So make sure you find a good web developer to take a look and review your site before you begin this free marketing campaign to make sure you aren’t wasting your time and talent.

The free marketing technique I am talking about is called article marketing. This is the process where you write an informational and educational article related to the content of your website and submit that article to various article directories on the internet.

Let me explain in more detail. The first step is to write an article that is related to the content of your website. So let’s say you sell laptop computers. You can write an article reviewing the top five external hard drives, or how to keep your computer running fast and smooth. As you can see the article is related to computers and it provides useful information to the reader.

The next step is to create your resource box. A resource box is the area where you will tell the reader of the article a little about yourself and your website. An example resource box would be, “Jane Thompson is the owner of DEF Computer Systems, an online retailer of laptop computers. You can learn more about Ms. Thompson or DEF by visiting their website at {insert your web address here}.” This example clearly states who the writer of the article is, where they get their computer experience from and most importantly a clickable link the website.

With article and resource box in had it is time to submit this information to article directories. Article directories are websites dedicated to allowing website owners such as you to submit useful content. They receive tens of thousands of hits a day from people either looking to read useful information or would like to take this information and post it on their websites or blogs, a method called syndication. When they post your article on their own websites or blogs they do so with your resource box and the link to your website. As you can see if you wrote one quality article per day your website could be all over the internet in no time. I have personally helped friends who went from zero hits to over two thousand hits per day in less than thirty days, all for free!

Now that you know the technique, simply repeat this process everyday for as long as you are in business, which is hopefully a very long time. Add the Google Analytics tool to your website so you can track your visitors and find out where they are coming from and use this information to fine tune your articles and which article directories to use more often. Would you like to make some extra money writing about your web marketing experience?


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