Home Business, Easy Money, Get Rich Quick

You and millions of others on this planet are probably pacing the floor in the middle of the night trying to figure out how and when you are going to feel more comfortable with your life, your finances and your future. Because most often, dreams and aspirations are trumped by disappointments, bad timing, and frustrations, people usually give up on a good idea way before they have given it a chance to succeed. Unfortunately the ones who usually become successful are those who prey on the hopes and dreams of others by luring them into a financial commitment for a scheme that has little or no chance of providing the participant great wealth, easy money or even a simple return on their initial investment. I am going to reveal today the three areas of hyped up businesses that contain most of the promises but little of the results. I will take them one at a time and break down the how, why and what of each one. Hopefully this will inspire you to review your choices thoroughly before you buy in. They are in not special order: " DATA ENTRY JOBS " PAID SURVEY SITES " MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING SCHEMES "Date Entry" This one is very popular because in most cases it is easy, repetitious and anyone who knows a keyboard can do this. As far as the technique and the fact that companies and people do need data entry work done, the argument can be made that this is a realistic way to earn a living. Most of the lures for data entry people today end up being an ad writing scheme whereby you would be writing ads to promote someone else's product in return for a commission for every sale referred through the ad you wrote and published and paid to market. How: This is marketed as "getting rich by doing simple data entry". Why: The technique itself is not a scam and many people are successful doing data entry work, so there is a level of comfort that this is a legitimate job opportunity. What: Promises of easy money and deceptive marketing surrounding the whole concept. "write a three line ad and make thousands" That is the hook and loads of hopeful people invest their hard earned money with the hopes of making much more. The fact is, there is a lot more to succeeding at this than is ever portrayed on any promotional site. They simply sell a concept and hardly ever teach the marketing skills and knowledge necessary to generate any data entry jobs. Proceed with caution on any "data entry" job promises. Also be weary of "type at home", "home typers", and "guaranteed data entry jobs". "Paid Survey Scams" Another very heavily promoted scam. The fact is that the surveying companies themselves do not charge people for taking surveys, rather they pay participants who complete their surveys subject to certain requirements such as age, demographics, gender etc. How: Marketed as "Earn $100 per hour filling out simple surveys". Only pay a membership fee and have access to all the companies willing to pay money to people who will fill out a survey. Why: Many of these offers seem legitimate because they feature phony testimonials from satisfied users. What: Fancy web sites and designs. The hype, the promises and the testimonials Most of the "fill out surveys for money" sites do not deliver what they promise. They are for the most part and at the very least, misleading. Even actual paid surveys can be deceptive because many of them take your personal information and sell it to marketers without your knowledge or permission. Others have you pay additional monies to get access to a database of survey opportunities that is available for free. Survey databases can cost participants money. Many databases let people have access to lists of paid survey opportunities for a subscription fee. Once people have paid the fee, they discover that many of the surveys listed do not pay, and that nearly all of the listings are available elsewhere for free. Many of these offers seem legitimate because they feature phony testimonials from satisfied users. Some of the surveys do not even pay in dollars but simply enter you into a contest where you compete with other survey takers. It is possible to earn money doing this but it takes a lot of time and effort to sort the legitimate from the hyped offers. If you are looking for a long term stable income stream, don't look here. "Multi-Level Marketing" (MLM) This scheme is a long way from the legitimate business which provided a way for small companies to get their unique products to consumers in small towns and rural areas which had no access to these products. The products sold themselves, and the multi-level aspect was a way of giving a small reward to those who had worked hard to build the organization. But the focus was always on the product. Not today! With the growth of the internet the "systems" or the "marketing schemes" have become the marketable product. In most cases, if there is an actual product it is usually bogus or you will find it else ware, readily available and much cheaper. How: The claims that "Multi-Level Marketing" will take over the World!" are everywhere. See it enough, hear it enough and people will begin to believe that this is the way to fame and fortune. Why: We all want to believe in "the system". We bought it so how difficult will it be to convince others to buy it too? What: The promise of residual income if you simply walk the paved road to wealth and riches. We all want to believe that this is the one that works. It is safe to say that almost ALL of the multi-level marketing programs are scams. MLM is a dinosaur in today's economy, and exists only by defrauding people to buy program in anticipation of being able to make a profit defrauding and luring other people into the program. Because we are human and because we all look to maximize our potential and thereby live the "American Dream", we will always be vulnerable to taking a chance and hoping to find and easy route to wealth. I have always been a risk taker and would never discourage anyone from experiencing the ups and downs of a new venture. I would only suggest that you be diligent in your efforts to research and make sure the opportunity you are looking to invest in offers you at the very least a reasonable chance to succeed. If you liked this article, you can find free information and product reviews on a variety of different subjects. We focus on Health, Wealth, Pets and Hobbies


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