How to Make Money Online With Your Own Existing Product

There are a dozens of theories about making money online...using other peoples' products and creating your own new products. Then there are all of the different methods for creating a product...but lots of people want to know how to make money online with a product they have already created.

I believe that your first few products absolutely should be digital products, in order to have the quickest success and the highest possible profit margins. Honestly. So if you have a digital product, I would recommend that you start by marketing it with Clickbank. is a digital market place and a quick and easy way to immediately start accepting payments and an even faster and easier way to have an affiliate program up and running in a hurry.

Now a lot of people put the idea of having affiliates on the back burner, simply because they have been so focused on getting their product created...they can't even think about dealing with affiliates. It also can seem like, with all of the work they had to do to create their product...and believe me that can take a ton of time and effort...building a system to handle affiliates seems like just too much to handle. They think it will be a nightmare trying to create tools that will help their affiliates sell more and they worry how they will keep track of it all. To me this is a big, big mistake.

If you've gone through the effort of getting that product created, then for sure you are going to want to do everything possible to drive the most sales of it...and having an army of people out there selling for you can make a huge difference in whether or not you have "some" success...OR massive success. I mean there are thousands and thousands of affiliate marketers on Clickbank everyday...looking for products to let them promote yours.

That's the really, really good news about Clickbank. Clickbank has already set the system up for you. And that's the number one reason why I recommend starting out with a digital product.

You might have found yourself a little overwhelmed when you were creating your product, but now you don't have to get even more overwhelmed trying to put together a system to promote it. It's all there for your product gets out there faster, and the money comes in to you faster.

Believe me--I have made millions of dollars with digital products, so I know how to make money online. If you have your product ready to go, and it's digital, you are in business. Now you can move on to creating your next product!


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