Improving Search Engine Rankings Via Content Building


Improving search engine ranking in organic search result is very important to Internet marketing. If you get top search engine ranking in organic search result pages, it means you can get free, targeted traffic from search engines every day. Do you know 85% Internet users use search engines to find information? (Source: NPD research). It means top search engine ranking can help you to get enormous business opportunities online.

Webmasters, therefore, participate in link exchange or article submission, optimize webpages in-house or even outsource to a SEO company. However, the results are mixed. Some of them achieve acceptable ranking but many webmasters do not see any noticeable ranking improvement. It leaves them wonder whether search engine ranking improvement can really be achieved.

How to Improve Search Engine Ranking?

Indeed, you can achieve top search engine ranking in organic search result if you implement an effective strategy. So, what is an effective strategy?

To improve search engine ranking, you must understand the logic of search engines. Every search engine aims to provide results of high quality websites with relevant information to users. In theory, best quality websites occupy top search engine positions. According to Google, a useful and information-rich site that clearly and accurately describes the content is a major criterion to determine website quality. If your site provides useful and information-rich content that are relevant to keywords typed by users, your site is likely to rank high in search engines. Another fact is that search engines use the number of relevant inbound links to assess quality of websites. If your site can get many relevant inbound links, it is evidence that your site is information-rich and loved by readers. Your site is more likely to get top search engine rankings.

Many business owners think that their websites are not portals, and that their websites are company websites for showing products and company information only. How can it be possible to turn a company website into an information-rich site and get many inbound links?

Methods to Turn a Company Website into Information-rich Site

To build an information-rich site, you do not need to be a writer and write many stories and articles. Indeed, information means a lot of stuff. The following are recommendations to enrich your website content with an aim to improve search engine ranking:

Video Marketing

People like to share and watch video and that is the reason YouTube becomes so popular. If you can present your company, products or solutions for a problem through a short video, your website can attract lots of inbound links.

You only need a basic video camera or a webcam, a basic video editing software, and you can make a video. You must also add your website URL in the video, and then submit your video to video sharing portals such as YouTube, Shorkle, and etc. Of course, you should also put your Video on your website. Later, you will discover that people come to your site through Google’s Video search and other video portals. If visitors like your Video, they may even link back to your site or post the URL online everywhere. It means you can get many natural 1-way inbound links. It helps improving search engine ranking.


First, install a blog software such as WordPress in your website. You can also customize the look-and-feel to match your website design. In a company blog, you can provide company information, your ideas and thought, product review, relevant news and your comment, and company’s event in a casual way. As time goes on, your blog provides much information to visitors. Information-rich site? Yes, a blog can turn a simple company website into an information-rich site.

You must submit your blog to blog directory and many webmasters grasp content from blog directories/search engines nowadays. If they buy your thought or information, they will link back to your site. It is a great way to improve your site’s link popularity and it improves search engine ranking.

Press Release

You may ask your public relation company to write press release for you. Why not also post the press release in your company website? It does not only help you to enrich website content, but also attract magazine editors/webmasters/reporters to go to your website to search for information. If you are lucky, you do not only get them link back to your website but also get them report your story in media. Your website traffic can be skyrocketed and it may even help you to get more natural inbound links.

Case Studies

Do your services and products help your customers to solve their problem? Why not make a phone interview with them, and then write the whole story as a Case study?

Many search engine users are searching for product review and successful stories. With case studies in your website, it increases likelihood of your website to be found. When some of the visitors post the URL in their websites, forums and blogs, your search engine ranking can be improved over time.


You can create a resource section that can benefit your website visitors, for example, a list of useful website URL or glossary to explain industry-specific terms. It saves readers time to find that information. They will bookmark your website, link back to your website, or post the URL in forum or blogs. Eventually, these natural inbound links help to improve your search engine ranking.


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