Legitimate Internet Businesses From Home And Squidoo

In simple terms, Squidoo is a website that allows anybody to set up free web pages and write about their hobbies, interests and passions. Each webpage is called a "lens" and can be used to advertise legitimate Internet businesses from home.

Squidoo lenses can be used to recommend and point to more detailed content elsewhere on the web. Linking and recommending is something that is actively promoted by Squidoo, which sees itself as a huge user-generated network or directory. It has the feel of a ever-changing online community.

Lenses are easy to create and can be made in as little as ten minutes. No technical know-how is needed at all so anybody, even people with no prior knowledge of building websites, can make a lens within minutes of entering the site.

To make a lens you simply click the "Create A Lens" (or similar) button which directs you to the "Lens Wizard". You can build a basic site with the wizard in about five minutes.

It is actually a good idea to build a standard site first of all and then return to it at regular intervals to add fresh content to it. Squidoo pays back lenses that are often updated by giving them priority in the lens rankings. That results in more exposure for legitimate Internet businesses from home on Squidoo and also in the search engines.

Therefore you can get your message out on the Internet in a matter of minutes with Squidoo. You can also add youtube videos, eBay auctions, Amazon books, surveys, RSS feeds, links to blogs and articles and a whole lot more to your lens.

Squidoo is also a essential tool for Internet marketers to promote legitimate Internet businesses from home and offers distinct benefits to them, all free of charge. Here are just a few of the benefits of making lenses for Internet marketers.

1. You are allowed to promote your own website, blog, podcast or whatever. Squidoo is popular with the search engines, so you can easily improve your website ranking by making a series of lenses and pointing each one to a page on your website.

2. Search engines love Squidoo, so the more lenses you make and point to your webpages, the higher your website will rise in the rankings, especially if you keyword-optimize your lenses and webpages.

3. Squidoo has a very soft attitude indeed towards online marketing, so you can link your lenses directly to affiliate marketing programs for legitimate Internet businesses.

4. As I mentioned, Squidoo allows you to post items from Ebay and Amazon on your lenses. Each time someone buys something via your links you will earn .

5. You can also enable visitors to post comments and links on your lens and they can also give your lens a evaluation of between 1 and 5 stars. Likewise, you can post your comments on other people's lenses and will get links back to your lens. The broader you spread your net the more traffic you will get as people come to you to check out your lens and post comments.

6. One more useful interactive feature is the choice of setting up a poll to survey your visitors. Setting up a poll can be done in just a few simple steps; again, no technical knowledge is required and you can learn a lot about your businesses from home niche market.

7. Squidoo divvies up its profits with its lensmasters so you can also make some money
simply by making lenses, promoting them and keeping them updated with fresh content.

Finally, Squidoo is great fun to play around with and hang out on. As a free and easy and interesting way to get some additional promotion for legitimate Internet businesses from home and make some extra money on the Internet, it is hard to beat.

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