Make Him Commit - What It Takes to Make It Happen Now

Do you have any idea what will prompt a guy to commit to a real relationship? Are you finding it hard to get him to commit? What will tell you that he’s really into you? It’s always been a mystery as to what a guy is feeling or thinking. You sometimes think that you have him all figured out and something happens to let you know that you weren’t even close. You have no idea what will make him commit to a serious relationship with you or even how to go about it. Here are some pointers to get into his mind that will help you get him to settle down.

Men are finicky daters. He will date anyone that comes on to him but when it comes to a romantic relationship it takes more than a night of sex. When he picks someone to commit to he looks at it very differently than a woman does. By committing to a relationship he will be giving up his right to date any other attractive girl he encounters. It means he will have to be faithful to one person and he will want this woman to be much more than just a fling to make him commit.

He’s not interested in putting limits on a woman that he has a casual relationship with, as he’s not there for the long run. He will expect fidelity from the person he commits to. This means that if you go to bed with a guy on the first date, with him being no different, he will label you a woman to have a casual relationship with not a long term partner. Men tend to make a decision early on whether the woman he is with would be someone he would even consider having a lasting relationship with. So the impression of your first meeting will stick with him and he will put you in one or the other category. You will find it hard to make him commit and change his first impression later on.

There are other things besides fidelity that will make a man want a serious relationship. What does it take to be girlfriend material? She should have ambition and not be dependent on him. Clingy and needy woman will turn a guy off quick. He wants someone who will be assertive and not be afraid to disagree with him and will stand up for herself. Men enjoy intelligent responses from a girl and not a girl who is just worried about her looks and is superficial. Be yourself and make him accept you for who and what you are. Learn to be more than a casual fling and become his girlfriend to make him commit.


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