Search Engine Submission – Why Do It?

Remember nearly 80 percent or more visitors come from the listings given on search engines. In view of this fact there are two schools of thought with regard to the need of search engine submission and both have their pros and cons.

Majority of people consider some form of advertising is essential to let the world know of their venture or business. The high number of visitors from search engine submission corroborates this assumption.
A small number of webmasters may think otherwise and not go through the submission stage. In fact they may rely more on other methods like FFA sites, Email campaigns, offline advertising, Ezines, etc.

What then are the factors to consider in search engine submission in order to make your presence known to the target audience?

If you take a deeper look into the performance of directories and search engines only three take the cake, namely MSN, Google, and Yahoo. Most of the others list the web sites from the data given in these three majors and hence many believe that a limited search engine submission is enough.
Informing the SEs is surely worth that little effort for about 90 percent of new web sites while a few large corporations or real experts may consider that the search engine spiders automatically scan all new sites and shortly their content will be noticed and indexed.
Keep an open mind on directories and indexing lists as these are not expensive at all, and they certainly help you in promoting your business.

Finally, search engine submission is definitely worth the effort for small to medium sized firms that really need the business!

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘


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