Tips on Marketing Your Name- Sell Your Art Work


Understanding marketing is the secret to selling your artwork. We all want to take control of the salability of the piece of artwork we have just finished. Marketing cannot guarantee the sale of your artwork, but failing to market your artwork guarantees that you will not be selling as much as if you had made an effort to better marketing. Actually, any artist can play a significant role in determining their own destiny as a working artist.


Marketing really has to do with getting your name out there and building a brand for yourself. It is not enough to place your art, bio and tags on galleries or trade shows. The key is to build a brand. There is a big difference in artist who are successful and artist who only sell occasionally. Any artist, who successfully sells on a regular basis, can build a brand for themselves. A brand is commonly associate with name recognition, but branding and name recognition are not exactly the same thing. A good brand has name recognition, but also carries other information connected to their reputation such as popularity, quality and style. This will determine many things but especially price point.


Successfully branded artist usually start out by pricing their work, no matter how low, so that they can sell on a regular basis. Of course as you begin to consistently sell your artwork you can then begin to raise your prices. Two different pieces of artwork both on the same subject matter, both in same medium can command different price points because of the quality of the brand of the name on the painting, even though the lesser priced one is of higher quality.


People are looking for fine art. There may be many different reasons that they are interested in buying. Some are looking to invest naturally. Many are looking to be able to pull a room together, so the color of the painting becomes an important factor, not just the high quality. It may offend you that someone wants to buy your painting because it matches the sofa in their house. However, get over it. It is not one's business what the motive of the customer may be who is buying our artwork. I say any sale means more money in one's pocket. Price your artwork so that it makes it easy to buy.


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