Traffic Exchange Profits - Turn Your Traffic into Cash Flow

Are you tired of not making any money online no matter how many different programs you try? Would you like a fool proof way to make a steady income online? Why don’t you participate in a traffic exchange? Traffic exchanges are one of the most effective ways to make money online
as long as you do it the right way.

A traffic exchange is website service that enables you to view someones website, and others in turn view yours. You earn credits when you view someones site, and you use those credits to have others view your site.

Traffic is the lifeblood of your website. Whatever your site does or doesn't do, without traffic it will not work! So lets discuss how you can use traffic exchanges to make money online.

Traffic Exchange Tip 1 The Best Use of Traffic Exchanges

Many Internet marketers say that traffic exchanges don't work. It is probably because they are not using them right. Most people (maybe this includes you) make the mistake of promoting affiliate pages or some kind of sales page. This never works, because people are surfing to earn credits and not buy something. You need to catch their attention very fast and offer them something they could use to build their business.

Traffic Exchange Tip 2 What Should I Promote

The best pages to promote in a traffic exchange are splash or squeeze pages (opt-in page). They must load quickly and be above the fold. You need to offer something of value to the surfer so they will want to visit your website and either opt-in to your mailing list of get your free offer. Make sure you grab their attention with your page!

Traffic Exchange Tip 3 How Do I Make Money

In order to make money using a traffic exchange you will need to surf enough to have your page shown around 100 times a day. If you are using a squeeze page to gather email information you should have your autoresponder set up so that you are promoting your products that pay you. You will need to build up some trust first and then your list will buy from you. You can surf about 2 hours a day and build up 100 credits pretty easy.

When properly used traffic exchanges can earn you a lot of money and help build your online business. Reach out and make sure that traffic gets to your site. Traffic exchange is the way to do it.


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