Traffic Geyser [Affiliate]- The 800 lb Gorilla of Video Marketing

If you are using video marketing on YouTube or other sites like Google Video and NOT using a video submission service, then you should probably leave because you're throwing away your time like it’s free candy at a parade.

Are you seriously spending your precious time submitting your videos to all of the media sites individually?

If you’re not even doing that then you are REALLY wasting your time and energy by making videos and NOT submitting them.

As funny as it is, I’m serious. Can I ask why you’re not optimizing and leveraging yourself with a program that submits all of your videos to the major and not so major traffic sites?

Here’s what I recommend - Traffic Geyser. Traffic Geyser is the “800 pound Gorilla” of video submission programs. The load of sites they traffic to is astounding!

Say you have 10 videos you want to submit to. If you’re registered with say…35 sites through Traffic Geyser, that’s 350 videos you have floating on the net. Tie those in with keywords, and you have a traffic generating plan working nicely for you.

If you have 47 videos, like I do as of right now, that’s 1645 videos.

Traffic Geyser’s technology is getting even better as well. The more experience they get from testing, tracking, & tweeking of their service, the better the outcome for you. Every successful marketer does this, and that goes for Traffic Geyser too.

If you use keywords (and you SHOULD be) in niche markets and get in the top 10 in the organic search engines, you will have a strangle hold for that search in that niche – i.e. “ACN Reviews,” “Making Money with ‘X company’ ”.

Need help getting started with how to make it all work? Traffic Geyser has a ton of video tutorials. Just pause the video, complete the step, and move to the next step.

Every Marketer needs 3 things to have success in their business:

1. Leads - this builds your list.

2. A Relationship with That List – the leads on your list need to know who you are, what you do, why you do it, and background on you before you more on to the 3rd item on this list. If you don’t complete step 2, step three WILL NOT WORK.

3. Monetize That List. Like I said in #2, step 3 will not work if you don’t build that relationship. If you’ve built that relationship, you will be able to monetize your list. Pop out affiliate links, business opportunities, etc and they will signup – almost automatically since they trust you.

Traffic Geyser allows you to finish all three of these steps. Video marketing is H-O-T! Once you submit your videos to all of the sites you want & attract leads from those sites, you finish step 2 & 3. Sure, this can be an entire article in itself, but it is necessary to mention here.

Search engines are constantly crawling the web looking for new uploaded videos and fresh content. So your fresh videos on all of the video sites are being crawled through to see if they can be placed on Organic Search Engine Rankings. The more the quality and content related to the keywords the better. The better the content, the better your rankings.

Traffic Geyser even has a video that Frank Kern made about getting a Page One Google listing in just ten minutes.

Now, I am not going to guarantee you page one. If anyone does, run the other way. But if you use the tactics of attraction marketing and keywords, you will certainly be further along than your competition.

Traffic Geyser really is just a video submission program. Nothing different than the others as far as the basics, HOWEVER, Traffic Geyser does place your videos on more video sites than any other video submission service. Further, there is ONE critical difference from the guys that created Traffic Geyser - they are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts. Because of this, they have put their service above any other video submission service since they know HOW to get 1st page Google rankings and free traffic. And they pass that information on to you in their training videos. Always nice to pay it forward right?


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