Jessica Simpson Gets The Boot

Jessica’s been dropped like a sack of potatoes by her record label Sony Nashville. And the reason for this is that, despite some positive reviews (Rolling Stone and the New York Post liked it… sorta), Jess’ latest album, Do You Know, hardly made a dent commercially. It’s sold less than 200,000 copies in the States since its release!

Of course, Jess’ camp was quick to point out that the deal with Sony Nashville was only temporary. “Jessica is and has always been an Epic artist. She was on loan to Sony Nashville for her country album. She continues to be on Epic’s label,” said a spokesman.

Yeah right. Her last Epic album, A Public Affair, was as big a flop. And Jess’ film career hasn’t been much better. Private Valentine: Blonde & Dangerous was released direct to video last month. So why would they want her again?


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