Spider traps to protect your website from aggressive and deep crawling snoop bots

What is Spider Trap? Spider trap is also known as crawler trap is an assortment of web pages instigating a web crawler or a search bot to make inexhaustible requests and finally leads it to crash. Spider trap is designed by a search engine marketing consultant in order to protect the not to be disclosed or confidential data of client’s website.

Why do we need Spider Trap? Search engines employ web spider or crawler or robots to boost and to update their database. The web-spiders or web crawlers is a computer program that surfs the World Wide Web in a systematic, meticulous, robotic manner and tag on internal and external links at the websites. In doing so all sites in the internet are tendered though links to the search engine index. There is data present in various websites which are not meant for search engines; for instance unfinished sites, contents of data privacy laws, configurations files and so on so forth. In order to evade from such kind of indexation there is in place a robots-exclusion protocol. This robots-exclusion protocol requires listing of the sites forbidden to search engines in a file called the ‘robots.txt’. Most famous search engines like Google, MSN and Yahoo comply with this code of behavior.

However, still there are spiders or web crawlers which collect data for different purpose such as theft of pictures, content theft, infringement of trademark laws, etc. and these are not covered under the above mentioned protocol.

These spiders are called ‘bad bots’. SEO agency provides ‘Spider-Trap’ which prevents the maneuverings of these bad bots and bars them from classified data on the websites.

Common Techniques General methods used by SEO USA are:

* Design of infinitely deep directory structures

* Dynamic pages such as calendars that spawn an unlimited number of pages for a web crawler to tag on

* Pages crammed or packed with a huge number of characters, crashing the lexical analyzer analyzing the page.


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