10 Untold Traffic Secrets: part 3

2 - Get Listed On Coupon And Special Offer Sites

There are dozens of special offer, coupon, and rebate sites online today.
Simply go to Google and type in “coupon sites” and you’ll see what we mean.
“Coupon” is searched at least a few hundred thousand times a month. Some
smart folks are getting a lot of traffic with simple sites that are just
lists of links to various sites with special offers.
How can this help YOU get targeted traffic? The people who visit these sites
are looking for a discount, a deal, a freebie, a rebate, or a bargain. If you
can offer some kind of special bonus – whether it’s a cash rebate, a
physical or digital product, or a service – you can ask to be included
on these sites.

As long as you can come up with an offer that qualifies, you’ll get accepted. If
you wish, you can create several web pages, each with a slightly different
special offer, and see what makes the most sales.
Very few affiliate marketers are taking advantage of this. Yes, it does mean
you have to create a little something extra for the people who buy through
these sites. You’ll have to track their purchases. But considering that
you’ll also be getting incoming links from some very highly ranked
web sites, it’s worth the little bit of extra work.


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