Making Decisions and Taking Action with Feng Shui During Uncertain Times

Many people in the West understand feng shui as the relationship between the placement of objects, the compass directions, the contours of structures and land, and the positive or negative energies that are created or diminished as a result. Not many people, whether they are Westerners or Easterners, are aware of the temporal aspects of feng shui, and how to use time to make decisions and take actions on those decisions in order to enhance good energy and reduce bad energy. In these uncertain economic times and global turmoil, making the right decision and taking action on that decision at the right time is more important than ever. The risks in making a wrong decision or taking action at the wrong time are higher than ever.

The saying of “being in the right place at the right time” creates positive results relies on both the right place and the right time. Additionally, people say that “timing is everything”. Well, when is the right time? Can it be determined in a consistent manner so that people can take advantage of it? Just as feng shui can address the right place, we can use feng shui to also determine the right time. Without the right timing, people are neglecting half of the powers that feng shui offers. It is another resource to help ensure success and minimize bad results that await everyone.

The temporal aspects of feng shui capture the essential relationship between the energies created by the alignment of the planets and stars in the heavens at a particular moment in time and an individual’s time, date, month and year of birth. This approach to feng shui is very individualize and personalized to each person because it relies heavily on the time, date, month and year of such person’s birth in relation to the movements of the planets and stars at a particular moment in time.

Based solely on an individual’s time, date, month and year of birth and a fundamental, deep and practical training in the movements of the planets and stars, a true feng shui master can chart an individual’s auspicious and inauspicious energies for a particular hour, day, month or year. This information, if known and used properly, can be a tremendous and powerful tool to assist in making decisions and taking action on those important decisions.

This type of information has historically been available only to kings, emperors and powerful families, who were either powerful enough or wealthy enough to identify and retain those skilled feng shui masters. With this information, they have made such important decisions as whether to engage in war or enter into partnerships and pacts, when to wed, when to be buried, and such other important decisions that can ensure peace, prosperity, tranquility and dominance of their kingdoms and families.

In our time, this information can be used, and has been used, to help make decisions such as asking for a promotion or raise, starting a business, entering into a partnership or other business venture, when to conceive a child, when to go on a date or propose marriage, making an important purchase such as a car or house, whether to enter into an investment, when to purchase stocks, when to schedule an important meeting with a client or to close a transaction, and other important decisions. We all desire good results when making these important decisions in our lives, but many people make these decisions and act upon them haphazardly without all of the tools that can ensure success. Whether such good results will occur depends in large part on whether the decision was made or action was taken during an auspicious time or not. Whether a particular time is auspicious or inauspicious for an individual depends on such person’s time, date, month and year of birth.

The movements of the planets and stars at a particular moment in time create energies that influence everyone’s life, success, failures, aspirations, hopes, and happiness. Whether this influence is positive, negative or neutral depends on the individual – first, it depends on when that individual was born (time, date, month and year) and second, whether that person has lived a good, productive and non-harmful life. Good things come to those who do good. Thus, if a person who has lived a life of crime, harm or ill will can not expect the same results as someone who has lived an honorable, useful and good hearted life.

The time, date, month and year of a person’s birth imbues in that person a certain cosmic energy and heavenly influence that stay with them their entire lifetime. This energy and influence generally governs their life, but whether it is an auspicious time, inauspicious time or neutral time in a person’s life depends on the energies created by the alignment of the planets and stars. Thus, not everyone will be affected by the cosmic energies the same. Two people born during the same year may generally experience similar affects of the heavenly movements, but will not have the same auspicious or inauspicious times because they may have been born in different months. Even if they were born in the same year and month, they will not be the same if they were born on different days. In fact, if two people are born on the same day, month and year, but different times (down to the second), then they will have different cosmic influences over their lives.

With the knowledge of one’s own auspicious or inauspicious times, a person can dramatically change the way he makes decisions and go about taking action on those decisions. For example, perhaps you are trying to decide whether to take advantage of an opportunity that has been presented to you. If that opportunity arose during an auspicious time in that person’s personalized feng shui calendar, then that should give comfort that it is an opportunity worth considering and pursuing. However, if that opportunity arose during an inauspicious time, then don’t spend any additional time or energy considering it.

Similarly, if you are planning to enter into a business transaction, to help ensure its success you can make the formal decision or sign the formal documents during your auspicious time. If you do it during an inauspicious time, then such venture will surely not go well. The same concept is true when it comes to purchasing stock, asking for a promotion, proposing a marriage, negotiating for the purchase of a car, house or business, or doing anything in which you desire a positive result. Conversely, if you know that a certain time is your inauspicious time, then you can reduce your activities and not make major decisions or take any important decisions.

Being armed with the knowledge of one’s auspicious times can be a powerful advantage when dealing with those who may not have such information and are just blindly walking through life and being subject to luck or non-luck. In a way, this information greatly enhances one’s luck, perhaps even creating one’s own luck, if used properly. The temporal aspects of feng shui by themselves can be a very useful tool in decision making. However, coupled with the other aspects of feng shui, harnessing the powers of timing can be a tremendous tool to achieving and ensuring success.

As mentioned earlier however, the cosmic energies are most helpful to those who live a productive, useful and helpful life. That is, those who do good deeds, whether big or small, benefit more from the cosmic forces than those who lead a harmful, unhelpful or nonproductive life.


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