Mesothelioma Cancer in Children

Recent research has shown that mesothelioma cancer, which is a fatal form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure, can also occur in children, as well as adults and animals.

Until now, only older adults who were exposed to asbestos when it was commonly used before its ban were linked to mesothelioma cancer.

However, researchers have discovered that children are also at risk for developing the illness.

Mesothelioma Doctors Baffled

Since the research regarding children and mesothelioma cancer has been exposed, doctors are asking questions and wondering whether the illness in kids is due to asbestos exposure, is hereditary, or is due to something else.

“The latent period of asbestos exposure in mesothelioma patients can be many years,” explains Cesar A. Moran, the professor of Pathology at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas. “Children have not lived long enough to be in that ballpark.”
Study Conducted Analyzing Rare Mesothelioma Cases

In a recent study published by Dr. Moran and his colleagues, eight cases of mesothelioma cancer in young children were analyzed and researched.

The study found that in every case, the children had peritoneal mesothelioma, a cancer that affects the abdominal cavity lining.

(Source: Surviving Mesothelioma)

Do you believe that you have developed peritoneal mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure?


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